Hardware config¶
Device ID¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1573745586 | Config Mode: BasicThe 8 bit address of this device
Use battery¶
Type: bool | UID: 1573745844 | Config Mode: DeveloperIf enabled, the device is assumed to be battery powered, and will be powered down if the battery charge level is critically low.
Start on USB power¶
Type: bool | UID: 1573806175 | Config Mode: BasicIf enabled, the device will power on when connected to a USB port.If disabled, the device will stay in charging mode when connected to a USB port, and needs a button press to power on.
Use pre-amp (0 : 2)¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1573806222 | Config Mode: Basic0: Pre-amp is turned off1: Pre-amp is turned on2: Pre-amp is automatically turned on and off depending on measured b-field strength.
LED timeout [ms]¶
Type: u32LE | UID: 1573806228 | Config Mode: AdvancedNumber of seconds before LED turns off, turns on again when state changes.
LED Intensity (0 : 100) [%]¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1681280234 | Config Mode: BasicAdjust the LED intensityIf set to 0, the LED is turned off completely.
Use Synchronization¶
Type: bool | UID: 1581348091 | Config Mode: DeveloperEnable sync of the devices frameID
Sync Rate [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1581347624 | Config Mode: DeveloperHow often the hub send out a sync signalIf set to 0, it follows the sample rateMax sync rate is 120Hz
External Sync¶
Type: bool | UID: 1581347654 | Config Mode: AdvancedSync is received from external deviceHub send sync signal on input pinSensors sync when receive sync signal from hub
Reset Frame ID on Sync¶
Type: bool | UID: 1730811311 | Config Mode: AdvancedSet the Frame ID to 0 when receiving a sync signal
Invert X coil¶
Type: bool | UID: 1658134601 | Config Mode: DeveloperInvert the polarity of the X sensor coil.Only change this, if the sensor is mounted on a wire, and the wire polarity has been reversed.
Invert Y coil¶
Type: bool | UID: 1658134602 | Config Mode: DeveloperInvert the polarity of the Y sensor coil.Only change this, if the sensor is mounted on a wire, and the wire polarity has been reversed.
Invert Z coil¶
Type: bool | UID: 1658134603 | Config Mode: DeveloperInvert the polarity of the Z sensor coil.Only change this, if the sensor is mounted on a wire, and the wire polarity has been reversed.
Sync switch¶
Type: bool | UID: 1704785815 | Config Mode: DeveloperFalse == Sync out, True == I/O
RF config¶
RF hub (requires restart)¶
Type: bool | UID: 1573745790 | Config Mode: AdvancedAct as a RF hub, which other devices can connect to.Two RF hubs cannot communicate with each other.
RF frequency (0 : 100) [Mhz + 2.4G]¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1574675720 | Config Mode: AdvancedRF frequency from 2.4 - 2.5 GHzCan be incremented in steps of 1 MHz
RF address (2 : 8)¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1574675743 | Config Mode: AdvancedRF address of device.Sensors should be between 2 and 7, Source should be 8Hub does not need an address, and is normally set to 123 to indicate hub
RF Tx Power (-40 : +4) [dBm]¶
Type: s8 | UID: 1574675748 | Config Mode: DeveloperRF transmit power.
Pipe always-on bitfield¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1647599128 | Config Mode: DeveloperBitfield of the 8 addresses the RF hub is listening for.A 1 bit indicates that the hub should always request data from that address, and never let it time out, even when not receiving data from it for an extended amount of time.Only set bits to 1 for devices that are always present, since otherwise the RF hub will spend a lot of time waiting for replies, thus lowering the overall bandwidth of the system.
Pipe enabled bitfield¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1647599129 | Config Mode: DeveloperBitfield of the 8 addresses the RF hub can listen to.A 0 bit indicates that the hub will never request data from that address.A 1 bit indicates that the RF master will request packets from this address, and if not getting a reply within “Pipe timeout”, will suspend that address for “Pipe connect retry” before trying again, unless “Pipe always-on bitfield” is set for this address.
Pipe timeout [ms]¶
Type: u16LE | UID: 1698660682 | Config Mode: DeveloperHow long time does the RF hub try to get data from an address, before suspending sending packets to that address.
Pipe connect retry [ms]¶
Type: u16LE | UID: 1698660683 | Config Mode: DeveloperHow long time an address is suspended after not replying, before the RF hub tries to communicate with that address again.
Retransmit until acked¶
Type: bool | UID: 1647599133 | Config Mode: DeveloperKeep sending the same packet until an acknowledge is received.Set to true to avoid dropped packets, at the expense of occasional higher latency under poor RF conditions.Set to false to only try to send each packet a few times, before dropping the packet. Use this to get the best real time performance, at the expense of occasional dropped packets under poor RF conditions.
Radio enabled (requires restart)¶
Type: bool | UID: 1663834111 | Config Mode: DeveloperTrue to enable the radio, and false to disable it.
Auto channel finder¶
Type: bool | UID: 1675251785 | Config Mode: AdvancedIf enabled, the RF hub will try to find the least noisy RF channel when starting up, and the devices that want to connect to the hub will automatically find the channel.
Auto channel switching¶
Type: bool | UID: 1729151110 | Config Mode: AdvancedIf enabled, the RF hub will continuously search for the least noisy RF channel, and make sure all devices switch, without package loss.Require RF V3.4 to work.
Parameter to sync bitmask¶
Type: u16LE | UID: 1663850521 | Config Mode: DeveloperBitfield of which parameters should the sensors receive from the RF hub
Config mode (0 : 2)¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1676370329 | Config Mode: BasicWhat level of configuration details should be shown0 == Basic | 1 == Advanced | 2 == Developer
Combine Poses¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1625131200 | Config Mode: Advanced0: Calculate the pose of the sensor relative to each source individually.1: Calculate a weighted average between all the tracked sources2: Calculate both a weighted average between all the tracked sources. as well as the pose relative to each source individually.
Dual source auto start¶
Type: bool | UID: 1648532686 | Config Mode: AdvancedUse 2 sources to resolve the b-field ambiguity that exists when only tracking one source.Requires information about the pose of each source in a common world coordinate system, which is entered in the “Source offset” parametersThe axes of the two sources must not be colinear.
Auto Start off radius [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1666787355 | Config Mode: AdvancedAt what distance from the source will the sensor no longer try to perform auto start, when using “Dual source auto start”
Tracking off radius [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1667477736 | Config Mode: DeveloperAt what radius the device will stop trackingRestarts to the startup procedure
Sample-rate (25 : 250) [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573745627 | Config Mode: BasicHow many poses are calculated each second
Send Pose¶
Type: bool | UID: 1573745654 | Config Mode: DeveloperIf enabled, send the calculated pose from the b-field as well as IMU data and sensor status information.Set to false if device is a hub
Send pose and fusion pose¶
Type: bool | UID: 1590579844 | Config Mode: DeveloperIf enabled, send both the pose calculated only from b-field as well as the pose calculated by fusing the b-field and IMU data.Can be used to see the effect of running with and without IMU Fusion at the same time.
Send raw B-field¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1589193044 | Config Mode: DeveloperSend the calculated b-field amplitudes in raw ADC counts.Will dobbelt the number of package sent
Send raw B-field with phase¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1615985633 | Config Mode: DeveloperSend the calculated b-field amplitudes in raw ADC counts as well as the phase relative to the internal oscillator.Will dobbelt the number of package sentCurrently not supported in the Amfitrack Viewer
Send normalized B-field¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1589193070 | Config Mode: AdvancedSend the calculated b-field amplitudes when taking the calibration values into account.Will dobbelt the number of package sent
Fusion Reset¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1573806327 | Config Mode: DeveloperResets the IMU fusionDoes nothing at the moment
Keep old samples on overflow¶
Type: bool | UID: 1648635890 | Config Mode: AdvancedIf enabled, the sensor will drop the newest samples if its internal sample buffer gets filled.If disabled, the internal sample buffer will always contain the newest samples, and continuously overwrite old samples if the buffer is filled.The sample buffer only gets filled when there is no or poor connection to the RF hub for extended amounts of time, or if the bandwidth is too low to the selected sample rate and packet selection.
Flush Buffers¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1649234939 | Config Mode: AdvancedEmpty all the internal sample buffers in the sensor.
Buffer Size [sec]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1580807477 | Config Mode: AdvancedHow many samples are kept in the internal sample buffer.The maximum time depends on the sample rate and the amount of different packets types that are enabled on the sensor.
Field quality LED Visual¶
Type: bool | UID: 1668603135 | Config Mode: BasicShow the field quality on the LED, goes from red (worst) -> yellow (better) -> green (best)
Field quality Scale¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1668603136 | Config Mode: AdvancedScale of how much/little the field quality needs to be affected to change its value.
Mag norm Upper threshold for source¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1694092688 | Config Mode: DeveloperSources magnetometer vector length upper thresholdWill blink white if outside this range
Mag norm Lower threshold for source¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1694092689 | Config Mode: DeveloperSources magnetometer vector length lower thresholdWill blink white if outside this range
Use magnetometer for auto startup¶
Type: bool | UID: 1694177788 | Config Mode: DeveloperUse the magnetometer as auto startup
Magnetometer signing threshold¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1694690944 | Config Mode: DeveloperHow much more trust it needs in one position, compared to the second to sign correct
Signing number count¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1695977284 | Config Mode: DeveloperHow many times the sign have to be identical for it to sign
Use accelerometer for auto startup¶
Type: bool | UID: 1694690945 | Config Mode: DeveloperUse the accelerometer as auto startup
Accelerometer signing threshold¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1694177789 | Config Mode: DeveloperHow much more trust it needs in one position, compared to the second to sign correct
Mag norm Upper threshold for sensor¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1694433870 | Config Mode: DeveloperSensors magnetometer vector length upper thresholdWill blink white if outside this range
Mag norm Lower threshold for sensor¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1694433871 | Config Mode: DeveloperSensors magnetometer vector length lower thresholdWill blink white if outside this range
Assume hemisphere using plane¶
Type: bool | UID: 1719913583 | Config Mode: DeveloperAssume and then verify using hemisphere detectWill use the plane set by the normal vector X, Y and Z
Use plane for hemisphere detection¶
Type: bool | UID: 1694608988 | Config Mode: DeveloperEnable for no hemisphere detectWill use the plane set by the normal vector X, Y and Z
Hemisphere detection normal vector X¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1694608989 | Config Mode: DeveloperNormal vector X
Hemisphere detection normal vector Y¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1694608990 | Config Mode: DeveloperNormal vector Y
Hemisphere detection normal vector Z¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1694608991 | Config Mode: DeveloperNormal Vector Z
Hemisphere detection distance thresshold¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1694608992 | Config Mode: DeveloperMinimum distance to hemisphere detection plane
IMU fusion Enable¶
Type: bool | UID: 1693817794 | Config Mode: BasicEnable Fusion with Gyro and accelerometer
IMU-F position process noise acc gain¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1696587746 | Config Mode: DeveloperMultiplier for acc distrust for estimating position
IMU-F position process noise gyro gain¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1696587747 | Config Mode: DeveloperMultiplier for gyro distrust for estimating position
IMU-F orientation process noise gain¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1696587748 | Config Mode: DeveloperMultiplier for gyro distrust for estimating orientation
IMU-F orientation measurement noise acc gain¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1696587749 | Config Mode: DeveloperMultiplier for acc distrust for estimating orientation
Transient Metal Compensation Enable¶
Type: bool | UID: 1732618818 | Config Mode: AdvancedEnable TMCIMU fusion must be enabled
Advanced LED pattern¶
Type: bool | UID: 1698213671 | Config Mode: DeveloperEnable advanced LED patternSee LED pattern description for change
Source in sensors origin¶
Type: bool | UID: 1699862342 | Config Mode: DeveloperIf enabled, calculate the pose of the source relative to the sensor coordinate system.If disabled, calculate the pose of the sensor relative to the source coordinate system.
Use PLL autostartup¶
Type: bool | UID: 1713181001 | Config Mode: AdvancedUses PLL for autostartup
Use IMU autostartup¶
Type: bool | UID: 1713181002 | Config Mode: AdvancedUses IMU for autostartupUses magnetometer
Tables saved in flash¶
Type: bool | UID: 1715933165 | Config Mode: DeveloperIndicates that the DSP tables have been generated by the firmware and saved in the internal flash. If set to false, the tables will be regenerated the next time the device is powered on.
EMF Calibration¶
Calib split X¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573809381 | Config Mode: DeveloperX sensor coil and analog frontend calibration value.Do not change!
Calib split Y¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573809383 | Config Mode: DeveloperY sensor coil and analog frontend calibration value.Do not change!
Calib split Z¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573809385 | Config Mode: DeveloperZ sensor coil and analog frontend calibration value.Do not change!
Calib split X_NPA¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1609936723 | Config Mode: DeveloperX sensor coil and analog frontend calibration value, with the pre-amp turned off* Do not change!
Calib split Y_NPA¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1609936921 | Config Mode: DeveloperY sensor coil and analog frontend calibration value, with the pre-amp turned off* Do not change!
Calib split Z_NPA¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1609936929 | Config Mode: DeveloperZ sensor coil and analog frontend calibration value, with the pre-amp turned off* Do not change!
PLL pre-amp phase bias X¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1713943113 | Config Mode: DeveloperPLL Phase Bias introduced by pre-amp on X coilShould be 0 after correct calibration
PLL pre-amp phase bias Y¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1713943114 | Config Mode: DeveloperPLL Phase Bias introduced by pre-amp on Y coilShould be 0 after correct calibration
PLL pre-amp phase bias Z¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1713943115 | Config Mode: DeveloperPLL Phase Bias introduced by pre-amp on Z coilShould be 0 after correct calibration
PLL sensor phase bias X¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1714382491 | Config Mode: DeveloperPLL Phase Bias on X coilShould be 0 after correct calibration
PLL sensor phase bias Y¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1714382497 | Config Mode: DeveloperPLL Phase Bias on Y coilShould be 0 after correct calibration
PLL sensor phase bias Z¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1714382503 | Config Mode: DeveloperPLL Phase Bias on Z coilShould be 0 after correct calibration
PLL Active Coils (012:Two,3:All,4:Smart)¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1715668882 | Config Mode: DeveloperPLL signing strategy0=XY, 1=XZ, 2=YZ, 3=XYZ, 4=SmartUse 4 if possible
PLL bias calibration¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1714130750 | Config Mode: AdvancedRe-calibrate PLL biases to fit with current sourceSource should be PLL calibrated beforehand
PLL enable DSP compensation¶
Type: bool | UID: 1724747205 | Config Mode: DeveloperCompensate for phase biases introduced by DSPNeed to be true unless calibrating new sensor FW
PLL enable HW compensation¶
Type: bool | UID: 1724747206 | Config Mode: DeveloperCompensate for phase biases introduced by HWNeed to be true unless calibrating new sensor HW
Legacy EMF Calibration¶
Type: bool | UID: 1708608205 | Config Mode: DeveloperUse EMF calibration values in the legacy formatDo not change without doing a re-calibration in a helmholtz coil
IMU Calibration¶
Gyro offset X [rad/sec]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573806305 | Config Mode: DeveloperGyroscope calibration offset X
Gyro offset Y [rad/sec]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573806308 | Config Mode: DeveloperGyroscope calibration offset Y
Gyro offset Z [rad/sec]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573806311 | Config Mode: DeveloperGyroscope calibration offset Z
Gyro Calibrate¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1573806324 | Config Mode: AdvancedCalibrate gyroscopeThe device needs to lay completely still when being calibrated
MAG Offset X [uT]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889287 | Config Mode: AdvancedMagnetometer hard iron offset X
MAG Offset Y [uT]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889288 | Config Mode: AdvancedMagnetometer hard iron offset Y
MAG Offset Z [uT]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889289 | Config Mode: AdvancedMagnetometer hard iron offset Z
MAG Compensation XX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889290 | Config Mode: AdvancedMagnetometer soft iron offset XX
MAG Compensation XY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889291 | Config Mode: AdvancedMagnetometer soft iron offset XY
MAG Compensation XZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889292 | Config Mode: AdvancedMagnetometer soft iron offset XZ
MAG Compensation YY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889293 | Config Mode: AdvancedMagnetometer soft iron offset YY
MAG Compensation YZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889294 | Config Mode: AdvancedMagnetometer soft iron offset YZ
MAG Compensation ZZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889295 | Config Mode: AdvancedMagnetometer soft iron offset ZZ
Accel Offset X [mg]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967535 | Config Mode: DeveloperAccelerometer offset X
Accel Offset Y [mg]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967536 | Config Mode: DeveloperAccelerometer offset Y
Accel Offset Z [mg]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967537 | Config Mode: DeveloperAccelerometer offset Z
Accel Compensation XX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967538 | Config Mode: DeveloperGain and rotation compensation: X += XX*acc_xDefault = 1.0
Accel Compensation XY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967539 | Config Mode: DeveloperGain and rotation compensation: X += XY*acc_yDefault = 0.0
Accel Compensation XZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967540 | Config Mode: DeveloperGain and rotation compensation: X += XZ*acc_zDefault = 0.0
Accel Compensation YX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967541 | Config Mode: DeveloperGain and rotation compensation: Y += YX*acc_xDefault = 0.0
Accel Compensation YY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967542 | Config Mode: DeveloperGain and rotation compensation: Y += YY*acc_yDefault = 1.0
Accel Compensation YZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967543 | Config Mode: DeveloperGain and rotation compensation: Y += YZ*acc_zDefault = 0.0
Accel Compensation ZX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967544 | Config Mode: DeveloperGain and rotation compensation: Z += ZX*acc_xDefault = 0.0
Accel Compensation ZY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967545 | Config Mode: DeveloperGain and rotation compensation: Z += ZY*acc_yDefault = 0.0
Accel Compensation ZZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967546 | Config Mode: DeveloperGain and rotation compensation: Z += ZZ*acc_zDefault = 1.0
Accelerometer scale (2 : 16) [g]¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1695976819 | Config Mode: AdvancedAccelerometer scale in gSet between 2 and 16, if outside range, it automatically find the closest macthing.
PCB orientation relative to coil (QX)¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1730900570 | Config Mode: AdvancedPCB orientation in quaternion (QX)Coil as reference
PCB orientation relative to coil (QY)¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1730900572 | Config Mode: AdvancedPCB orientation in quaternion (QY)Coil as reference
PCB orientation relative to coil (QZ)¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1730900574 | Config Mode: AdvancedPCB orientation in quaternion (QZ)Coil as reference
PCB orientation relative to coil (QW)¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1730900576 | Config Mode: AdvancedPCB orientation in quaternion (QW)Coil as reference
Source 1 config¶
Source#1 ID¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1573745600 | Config Mode: AdvancedThe 8 bit address of the source which the device is tracking
Source#1 offset X [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1625136580 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource position in world coordinate system [X coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#1 offset Y [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1625136581 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource position in world coordinate system [Y coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#1 offset Z [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1625136582 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource position in world coordinate system [Z coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#1 offset QX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1625136583 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource orientation in world coordinate system [X quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#1 offset QY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1625136584 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource orientation in world coordinate system [Y quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#1 offset QZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1625136585 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource orientation in world coordinate system [Z quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#1 offset QW¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1625136586 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource orientation in world coordinate system [W quaternion]Set to 1 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#1 apply offset¶
Type: bool | UID: 1634221440 | Config Mode: AdvancedIf enabled, calculate sensor pose in world coordinateIf disabled, calculate sensor pose relative to this source origin and orientation
Source#1 invert offset¶
Type: bool | UID: 1637321095 | Config Mode: AdvancedIf enabled, the source offsets specifies the world origin relative to the sourceIf disabled, the source offsets specifies the source pose in the world coordinate system
Startup pose X [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573830346 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#1s coordinate system when performing manual startup [X coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose Y [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573830351 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#1s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Y coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose Z [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573830354 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#1s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Z coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose QX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573830357 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#1s coordinate system when performing manual startup [X quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose QY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573830361 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#1s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Y quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose QZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573830363 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#1s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Z quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose QW¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1573830366 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#1s coordinate system when performing manual startup [W quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Record startup pose¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1574174379 | Config Mode: AdvancedUse the current pose of the sensor as the new startup pose for source#1.
Reset startup pose¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1575376781 | Config Mode: AdvancedRevert the startup pose for source#1 back to the defaultDefault is [0.6 0.0 0.3] m and a rotation of 180 degrees around the Z axis.
Set startup pose¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1575547842 | Config Mode: AdvancedApply the startup pose for source#1.Must be set to true after changing any of the “Startup pose” parameters for them to have an effect.
Force untrack #1¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1713177870 | Config Mode: AdvancedRevert the sensors tracking state for source#1 to before either manual or auto startup has been performed.
Assume X Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610463416 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #1’s X-frequency
Assume Y Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610463431 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #1’s Y-frequency
Assume Z Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610463438 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #1’s Z-frequency
Assume X Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610463446 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #1’s X-Current
Assume Y Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610463455 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #1’s Y-Current
Assume Z Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610463463 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #1’s Z-Current
Assume X Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610464205 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #1’s X-Calibration value
Assume Y Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610464213 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #1’s Y-Calibration value
Assume Z Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610464218 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #1’s Z-Calibration value
Source 2 config¶
Source#2 ID¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1573745618 | Config Mode: AdvancedThe 8 bit address of the 2nd source which the device is tracking
Source#2 offset X [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1612965632 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#2 position in world coordinate system [X coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#2 offset Y [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1612965633 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#2 position in world coordinate system [Y coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#2 offset Z [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1612965634 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#2 position in world coordinate system [Z coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#2 offset QX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1612965635 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#2 orientation in world coordinate system [X quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#2 offset QY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1612965636 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#2 orientation in world coordinate system [Y quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#2 offset QZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1612965637 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#2 orientation in world coordinate system [Z quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#2 offset QW¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1612965638 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#2 orientation in world coordinate system [W quaternion]Set to 1 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#2 apply offset¶
Type: bool | UID: 1612965639 | Config Mode: AdvancedIf enabled, calculate sensor pose in world coordinateIf disabled, calculate sensor pose relative to this source origin and orientation
Source#2 invert offset¶
Type: bool | UID: 1637321110 | Config Mode: AdvancedIf enabled, the source offsets specifies the world origin relative to the sourceIf disabled, the source offsets specifies the source pose in the world coordinate system
Startup pose#2 X [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1575290986 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#2s coordinate system when performing manual startup [X coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#2 Y [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1575291020 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#2s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Y coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#2 Z [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1575291029 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#2s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Z coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#2 QX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1575291039 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#2s coordinate system when performing manual startup [X quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#2 QY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1575291047 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#2s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Y quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#2 QZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1575291055 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#2s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Z quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#2 QW¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1575291064 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#2s coordinate system when performing manual startup [W quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Record startup pose#2¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1575291072 | Config Mode: AdvancedUse the current pose of the sensor as the new startup pose for source#2.
Reset startup pose#2¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1575291074 | Config Mode: AdvancedRevert the startup pose for source#2 back to the defaultDefault is [0.6 0.0 0.3] m and a rotation of 180 degrees around the Z axis.
Set startup pose#2¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1575291076 | Config Mode: AdvancedApply the startup pose for source#2.Must be set to true after changing any of the “Startup pose” parameters for them to have an effect.
Force untrack #2¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1713177871 | Config Mode: AdvancedRevert the sensors tracking state for source#2 to before either manual or auto startup has been performed.
Assume X#2 Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610529874 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #2’s X-frequency
Assume Y#2 Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610529875 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #2’s Y-frequency
Assume Z#2 Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610529876 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #2’s Z-frequency
Assume X#2 Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610529877 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #2’s X-Current
Assume Y#2 Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610529878 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #2’s Y-Current
Assume Z#2 Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610529879 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #2’s Z-Current
Assume X#2 Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610529880 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #2’s X-Calibration value
Assume Y#2 Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610529881 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #2’s Y-Calibration value
Assume Z#2 Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1610529882 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #2’s Z-Calibration value
Source 3 config¶
Source#3 ID¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1709040443 | Config Mode: AdvancedThe 8 bit address of the 3rd source which the device is tracking
Source#3 offset X [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040445 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#3 position in world coordinate system [X coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#3 offset Y [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040446 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#3 position in world coordinate system [Y coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#3 offset Z [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040447 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#3 position in world coordinate system [Z coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#3 offset QX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040448 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#3 orientation in world coordinate system [X quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#3 offset QY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040449 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#3 orientation in world coordinate system [Y quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#3 offset QZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040450 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#3 orientation in world coordinate system [Z quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#3 offset QW¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040451 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#3 orientation in world coordinate system [W quaternion]Set to 1 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#3 apply offset¶
Type: bool | UID: 1709040452 | Config Mode: AdvancedIf enabled, calculate sensor pose in world coordinateIf disabled, calculate sensor pose relative to this source origin and orientation
Source#3 invert offset¶
Type: bool | UID: 1709040453 | Config Mode: AdvancedIf enabled, the source offsets specifies the world origin relative to the sourceIf disabled, the source offsets specifies the source pose in the world coordinate system
Startup pose#3 X [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040454 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#3s coordinate system when performing manual startup [X coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#3 Y [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040455 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#3s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Y coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#3 Z [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040456 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#3s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Z coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#3 QX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040457 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#3s coordinate system when performing manual startup [X quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#3 QY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040458 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#3s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Y quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#3 QZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040459 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#3s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Z quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#3 QW¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040460 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#3s coordinate system when performing manual startup [W quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Record startup pose#3¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1709040461 | Config Mode: AdvancedUse the current pose of the sensor as the new startup pose for source#3.
Reset startup pose#3¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1709040462 | Config Mode: AdvancedRevert the startup pose for source#3 back to the defaultDefault is [0.6 0.0 0.3] m and a rotation of 180 degrees around the Z axis.
Set startup pose#3¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1709040463 | Config Mode: AdvancedApply the startup pose for source#3.Must be set to true after changing any of the “Startup pose” parameters for them to have an effect.
Force untrack #3¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1713177872 | Config Mode: AdvancedRevert the sensors tracking state for source#3 to before either manual or auto startup has been performed.
Assume X#3 Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040465 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #3’s X-frequency
Assume Y#3 Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040466 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #3’s Y-frequency
Assume Z#3 Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040467 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #3’s Z-frequency
Assume X#3 Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040468 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #3’s X-Current
Assume Y#3 Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040469 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #3’s Y-Current
Assume Z#3 Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040470 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #3’s Z-Current
Assume X#3 Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040471 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #3’s X-Calibration value
Assume Y#3 Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040472 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #3’s Y-Calibration value
Assume Z#3 Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040473 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #3’s Z-Calibration value
Source 4 config¶
Source#4 ID¶
Type: u8 | UID: 1709040478 | Config Mode: AdvancedThe 8 bit address of the 4th source which the device is tracking
Source#4 offset X [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040480 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#4 position in world coordinate system [X coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#4 offset Y [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040481 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#4 position in world coordinate system [Y coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#4 offset Z [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040482 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#4 position in world coordinate system [Z coordinate]Set to 0 to use this source origin as world origin
Source#4 offset QX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040483 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#4 orientation in world coordinate system [X quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#4 offset QY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040484 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#4 orientation in world coordinate system [Y quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#4 offset QZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040485 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#4 orientation in world coordinate system [Z quaternion]Set to 0 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#4 offset QW¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040486 | Config Mode: AdvancedSource#4 orientation in world coordinate system [W quaternion]Set to 1 to use this source orientation as world orientation
Source#4 apply offset¶
Type: bool | UID: 1709040487 | Config Mode: AdvancedIf enabled, calculate sensor pose in world coordinateIf disabled, calculate sensor pose relative to this source origin and orientation
Source#4 invert offset¶
Type: bool | UID: 1709040488 | Config Mode: AdvancedIf enabled, the source offsets specifies the world origin relative to the sourceIf disabled, the source offsets specifies the source pose in the world coordinate system
Startup pose#4 X [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040489 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#4s coordinate system when performing manual startup [X coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#4 Y [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040490 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#4s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Y coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#4 Z [m]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040491 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor position relative to source#4s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Z coordinate]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#4 QX¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040492 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#4s coordinate system when performing manual startup [X quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#4 QY¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040493 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#4s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Y quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#4 QZ¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040494 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#4s coordinate system when performing manual startup [Z quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Startup pose#4 QW¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040495 | Config Mode: AdvancedExpected sensor orientation relative to source#4s coordinate system when performing manual startup [W quaternion]When all new startup pose parameters have been entered, “Set startup pose” must be set to true for it to have an effect.
Record startup pose#4¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1709040496 | Config Mode: AdvancedUse the current pose of the sensor as the new startup pose for source#4.
Reset startup pose#4¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1709040497 | Config Mode: AdvancedRevert the startup pose for source#4 back to the defaultDefault is [0.6 0.0 0.3] m and a rotation of 180 degrees around the Z axis.
Set startup pose#4¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1709040498 | Config Mode: AdvancedApply the startup pose for source#4.Must be set to true after changing any of the “Startup pose” parameters for them to have an effect.
Force untrack #4¶
Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1713177873 | Config Mode: AdvancedRevert the sensors tracking state for source#4 to before either manual or auto startup has been performed.
Assume X#4 Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040500 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #4’s X-frequency
Assume Y#4 Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040501 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #4’s Y-frequency
Assume Z#4 Frequency [Hz]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040502 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #4’s Z-frequency
Assume X#4 Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040503 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #4’s X-Current
Assume Y#4 Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040504 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #4’s Y-Current
Assume Z#4 Current [mA]¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040505 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #4’s Z-Current
Assume X#4 Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040506 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #4’s X-Calibration value
Assume Y#4 Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040507 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #4’s Y-Calibration value
Assume Z#4 Cal¶
Type: f32LE | UID: 1709040508 | Config Mode: DeveloperIgnores source packets and sets source #4’s Z-Calibration value