Hardware config

Device ID

Type: u8 | UID: 1574855615 | Config Mode: Advanced
The 8 bit address of this device

LED timeout [ms]

Type: u32LE | UID: 1573806228 | Config Mode: Advanced
Number of seconds before LED turns off, turns on again when state changes.

LED Intensity (0 : 100) [%]

Type: u8 | UID: 1681280234 | Config Mode: Basic
Adjust the LED intensity
If set to 0, the LED is turned off completely.

Use Synchronization

Type: bool | UID: 1660646744 | Config Mode: Developer
Enable sync of the devices frameID

Sync Rate [Hz]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1660646745 | Config Mode: Developer
How often the hub send out a sync signal
If set to 0, it follows the sample rate
Max sync rate is 120Hz

External Sync

Type: bool | UID: 1660646746 | Config Mode: Developer
Sync is received from external device
Hub send sync signal on input pin
Sensors sync when receive sync signal from hub

Use battery

Type: bool | UID: 1680254317 | Config Mode: Developer
If enabled, the device is assumed to be battery powered, and will be powered down if the battery charge level is critically low.

Readout protection enable

Type: u8 | UID: 1697713010 | Config Mode: Developer
Enable readout protection on STM32.
Will automatically restart

RF config

RF hub (requires restart)

Type: bool | UID: 1651667736 | Config Mode: Advanced
Act as a RF hub, which other devices can connect to.
Two RF hubs cannot communicate with each other.

RF Number of frequencies [1 : 4]

Type: u8 | UID: 1651667743 | Config Mode: Advanced
Number of RF frequencies the sources will switch between, to talk to multiple RF hubs in sequence.
If enabled, IMU fusion on the sensors will be impaired if the source is moving or rotating during tracking.

RF frequency#1 (0 : 100) [Mhz + 2.4G]

Type: u8 | UID: 1574855397 | Config Mode: Advanced
RF frequency #1 from 2.4 - 2.5 GHz
Can be incremented in steps of 1 MHz

RF frequency#2 (0 : 100) [Mhz + 2.4G]

Type: u8 | UID: 1651668352 | Config Mode: Advanced
RF frequency #2 from 2.4 - 2.5 GHz
Can be incremented in steps of 1 MHz

RF frequency#3 (0 : 100) [Mhz + 2.4G]

Type: u8 | UID: 1651668353 | Config Mode: Advanced
RF frequency #3 from 2.4 - 2.5 GHz
Can be incremented in steps of 1 MHz

RF frequency#4 (0 : 100) [Mhz + 2.4G]

Type: u8 | UID: 1651668354 | Config Mode: Advanced
RF frequency #4 from 2.4 - 2.5 GHz
Can be incremented in steps of 1 MHz

RF address (2 : 8)

Type: u8 | UID: 1574855400 | Config Mode: Advanced
RF address of device.
Sensors should be between 2 and 7, Source should be 8
Hub does not need a address, and is normally set to 123 to indicate hub

RF Tx Power (-40 : +4) [dBm]

Type: s8 | UID: 1574855403 | Config Mode: Developer
RF transmit power.

Pipe always-on bitfield

Type: u8 | UID: 1651667737 | Config Mode: Developer
Bitfield of the 8 addresses the RF hub is listening for.
A 1 bit indicates that the hub should always request data from that address, and never let it time out, even when not receiving data from it for an extended amount of time.
Only set bits to 1 for devices that are always present, since otherwise the RF hub will spend a lot of time waiting for replies, thus lowering the overall bandwidth of the system.

Pipe enabled bitfield

Type: u8 | UID: 1651667738 | Config Mode: Developer
Bitfield of the 8 addresses the RF hub can listen to.
A 0 bit indicates that the hub will never request data from that address.
A 1 bit indicates that the RF master will request packets from this address, and if not getting a reply within “Pipe timeout”, will suspend that address for “Pipe connect retry” before trying again, unless “Pipe always-on bitfield” is set for this address.

Pipe timeout [ms]

Type: u16LE | UID: 1698660682 | Config Mode: Developer
How long time does the RF hub try to get data from an address, before suspending sending packets to that address.

Pipe connect retry [ms]

Type: u16LE | UID: 1698660683 | Config Mode: Developer
How long time an address is suspended after not replying, before the RF hub tries to communicate with that address again.

Retransmit until acked

Type: bool | UID: 1651667742 | Config Mode: Developer
Keep sending the same packet until an acknowledge is received.
Set to true to avoid dropped packets, at the expense of occasional higher latency under poor RF conditions.
Set to false to only try to send each packet a few times, before dropping the packet. Use this to get the best real time performance, at the expense of occasional dropped packets under poor RF conditions.

Radio enabled (requires restart)

Type: bool | UID: 1663834111 | Config Mode: Developer
True to enable the radio, and false to disable it.

Auto channel finder

Type: bool | UID: 1675251785 | Config Mode: Advanced
If enabled, the RF hub will try to find the least noisy RF channel when starting up, and the devices that want to connect to the hub will automatically find the channel.

Auto channel switching

Type: bool | UID: 1729151110 | Config Mode: Advanced
If enabled, the RF hub will continuously search for the least noisy RF channel, and make sure all devices switch, without package loss.
Require RF V3.4 to work.

USB forwarding

Type: bool | UID: 1701781548 | Config Mode: Developer
If enabled, packets received on RF while running as RF hub will be forwarded over USB.
If disabled, no packets from other devices are forwarded over USB.

EMF Calibration

Tune current

Type: bool | UID: 1574855601 | Config Mode: Developer
Activate when coil current parameter have been changed
Adjusts the PWM and boost converter, to get the target current in each source coil

Tune voltage

Type: bool | UID: 1732024814 | Config Mode: Developer
Activate when coil voltage parameter have been changed
Adjusts the PWM and boost converter, to get the target voltage in each source coil

Calibrate frequency

Type: bool | UID: 1574855597 | Config Mode: Developer
Activate if frequency needs to be adjusted on next startup
Find the resonance frequency for each source coil

Calibrate crossTalk

Type: bool | UID: 1574855582 | Config Mode: Developer
Activate if crosstalk need to be calibrated [Requires restart]
Takes couple of minutes on next reboot

Measure crossTalk

Type: bool | UID: 1574855578 | Config Mode: Developer
Measure how much cross talk is on each axis

Active Parameter Set [1 : 4]

Type: u8 | UID: 1691148579 | Config Mode: Advanced
Switch between sets of parameter for all coils at once
Can change between different configurations for coil current, frequency, boost voltage, resonance capacitors, crosstalk and calibration values

IMU Calibration

Gyro offset X [rad/sec]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1573806305 | Config Mode: Developer
Gyroscope calibration offset X

Gyro offset Y [rad/sec]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1573806308 | Config Mode: Developer
Gyroscope calibration offset Y

Gyro offset Z [rad/sec]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1573806311 | Config Mode: Developer
Gyroscope calibration offset Z

Gyro Calibrate

Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1573806324 | Config Mode: Advanced
Calibrate gyroscope
The device needs to lay completely still when being calibrated

MAG Offset X [uT]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889287 | Config Mode: Advanced
Magnetometer hard iron offset X

MAG Offset Y [uT]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889288 | Config Mode: Advanced
Magnetometer hard iron offset Y

MAG Offset Z [uT]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889289 | Config Mode: Advanced
Magnetometer hard iron offset Z

MAG Compensation XX

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889290 | Config Mode: Advanced
Magnetometer soft iron offset XX

MAG Compensation XY

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889291 | Config Mode: Advanced
Magnetometer soft iron offset XY

MAG Compensation XZ

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889292 | Config Mode: Advanced
Magnetometer soft iron offset XZ

MAG Compensation YY

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889293 | Config Mode: Advanced
Magnetometer soft iron offset YY

MAG Compensation YZ

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889294 | Config Mode: Advanced
Magnetometer soft iron offset YZ

MAG Compensation ZZ

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690889295 | Config Mode: Advanced
Magnetometer soft iron offset ZZ

MAG Calibration temperature[C]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1695192043 | Config Mode: Advanced
Warm magnetometer calibration

MAG Offset Slope X [uT]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1695192045 | Config Mode: Advanced
Slope of the temperature compensation on X

MAG Offset Slope Y [uT]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1695192046 | Config Mode: Advanced
Slope of the temperature compensation on Y

MAG Offset Slope Z [uT]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1695192047 | Config Mode: Advanced
Slope of the temperature compensation on Z

Use MAG Calibration

Type: bool | UID: 1695192048 | Config Mode: Advanced
Use magnetometer calibration

Use MAG Temperature Compensation

Type: bool | UID: 1695192049 | Config Mode: Advanced
Use magnetometer temperature compensation
Only active if Slope is not set to 0

MAG Cold Break temperature

Type: f32LE | UID: 1695287043 | Config Mode: Advanced
At what cold temperature the slope breaks.

Accel Offset X [mg]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967535 | Config Mode: Developer
Accelerometer offset X

Accel Offset Y [mg]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967536 | Config Mode: Developer
Accelerometer offset Y

Accel Offset Z [mg]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967537 | Config Mode: Developer
Accelerometer offset Z

Accel Compensation XX

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967538 | Config Mode: Developer
Gain and rotation compensation: X += XX*acc_x
Default = 1.0

Accel Compensation XY

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967539 | Config Mode: Developer
Gain and rotation compensation: X += XY*acc_y
Default = 0.0

Accel Compensation XZ

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967540 | Config Mode: Developer
Gain and rotation compensation: X += XZ*acc_z
Default = 0.0

Accel Compensation YX

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967541 | Config Mode: Developer
Gain and rotation compensation: Y += YX*acc_x
Default = 0.0

Accel Compensation YY

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967542 | Config Mode: Developer
Gain and rotation compensation: Y += YY*acc_y
Default = 1.0

Accel Compensation YZ

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967543 | Config Mode: Developer
Gain and rotation compensation: Y += YZ*acc_z
Default = 0.0

Accel Compensation ZX

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967544 | Config Mode: Developer
Gain and rotation compensation: Z += ZX*acc_x
Default = 0.0

Accel Compensation ZY

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967545 | Config Mode: Developer
Gain and rotation compensation: Z += ZY*acc_y
Default = 0.0

Accel Compensation ZZ

Type: f32LE | UID: 1690967546 | Config Mode: Developer
Gain and rotation compensation: Z += ZZ*acc_z
Default = 1.0

Accelerometer scale (2 : 16) [g]

Type: u8 | UID: 1695976819 | Config Mode: Advanced
Accelerometer scale in g.
Set between 2 and 16, if outside range, it automatically find the closest macthing.

PCB orientation relative to coil (QX)

Type: f32LE | UID: 1730900570 | Config Mode: Advanced
Orientation of the PCB containing the IMU relative to the source coil [X quaternion]

PCB orientation relative to coil (QY)

Type: f32LE | UID: 1730900572 | Config Mode: Advanced
Orientation of the PCB containing the IMU relative to the source coil [Y quaternion]

PCB orientation relative to coil (QZ)

Type: f32LE | UID: 1730900574 | Config Mode: Advanced
Orientation of the PCB containing the IMU relative to the source coil [Z quaternion]

PCB orientation relative to coil (QW)

Type: f32LE | UID: 1730900576 | Config Mode: Advanced
Orientation of the PCB containing the IMU relative to the source coil [W quaternion]


Config mode (0 : 2)

Type: u8 | UID: 1676370329 | Config Mode: Basic
What level of configuration details should be shown
0 == Basic | 1 == Advanced | 2 == Developer

Enable crosstalk cmp

Type: bool | UID: 1574855604 | Config Mode: Developer
Enable crosstalk
This fix the axis cross talking onto other axis

Regulate Current

Type: bool | UID: 1610356732 | Config Mode: Developer
This regulate the current, to fit the current set.
This automatically adjust the current, so it always at a stable current

Sample-rate (25 : 500) [Hz]

Type: f32LE | UID: 1573745627 | Config Mode: Basic
How many times per second is the current and IMU average calculated

Mag norm Upper threshold

Type: f32LE | UID: 1694092688 | Config Mode: Developer
Magnetometer vector length upper threshold.

Mag norm Lower threshold

Type: f32LE | UID: 1694092689 | Config Mode: Developer
Magnetometer vector length lower threshold.

Mag LED indication

Type: bool | UID: 1697436894 | Config Mode: Developer
Indicate if the LED show magnetometer error.

Magnetometer sample rate (0 : 2)

Type: u8 | UID: 1698745486 | Config Mode: Advanced
Samplerate of magnetometer.
0 == 155Hz | 1 == 300Hz | 2 == 560Hz

Advanced LED pattern

Type: bool | UID: 1698213671 | Config Mode: Developer
Enable advanced LED pattern.
See LED pattern description for change

Mute source

Type: bool | UID: 1713181243 | Config Mode: Developer
Turn off the coils, so no magnetic field is present.

Tables saved in flash

Type: bool | UID: 1715933165 | Config Mode: Developer
Indicates that the DSP tables have been generated by the firmware and saved in the internal flash. If set to false, the tables will be regenerated the next time the device is powered on.

EMF parameter set #1

Capacitance Switch X [0 : 31] #1

Type: u8 | UID: 1678117401 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for X
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Capacitance Switch Y [0 : 31] #1

Type: u8 | UID: 1678117402 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for Y
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Capacitance Switch Z [0 : 31] #1

Type: u8 | UID: 1678117403 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for Z
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Frequency X [Hz] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855575 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source X coil

Frequency Y [Hz] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855572 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source Y coil

Frequency Z [Hz] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855566 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source Z coil

PWM X #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855558 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source X coil

PWM Y #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855535 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source Y coil

PWM Z #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855533 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source Z coil

Target current X [A] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855531 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source X coil

Target current Y [A] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855528 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source Y coil

Target current Z [A] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855525 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source Z coil

Target voltage X [A] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025570 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source X coil

Target voltage Y [A] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025571 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source Y coil

Target voltage Z [A] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025572 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source Z coil

Vboost [V] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855520 | Config Mode: Developer
Boost converter voltage

XonY Set #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855518 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonY Set point

XonY Reset #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855515 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonY Reset point

XonZ Set #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855512 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonZ Set point

XonZ Reset #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855509 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonZ Reset point

YonX Set #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855506 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonX Set point

YonX Reset #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855502 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonX Reset point

YonZ Set #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855500 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonZ Set point

YonZ Reset #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855497 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonZ Reset point

ZonX Set #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855492 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonX Set point

ZonX Reset #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855489 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonX Reset point

ZonY Set #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855485 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonY Set point

ZonY Reset #1

Type: u32LE | UID: 1574855480 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonY Reset point

Coil Calibration X #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855387 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source X coil

Coil Calibration Y #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855390 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source Y coil

Coil Calibration Z #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1574855393 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source Z coil

Calibration Multiplier X #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696496991 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source X coil
Used for static metal compensation

Calibration Multiplier Y #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696497001 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source Y coil
Used for static metal compensation

Calibration Multiplier Z #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696497011 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source Z coil
Used for static metal compensation

Aproximated propagation delay [sec] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863325 | Config Mode: Developer
Time between PLL phase adjustments

Modulation phase setpoint X [deg] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863329 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Modulation phase setpoint Y [deg] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863333 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Modulation phase setpoint Z [deg] #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863337 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Phase modulation amplitude Passive X #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863341 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Passive Y #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863345 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Passive Z #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863349 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active X #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726496883 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active Y #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726496884 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active Z #1

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726496885 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Apply Parameters #1

Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1678451598 | Config Mode: Developer
Apply parameter change

Target voltage X [A] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025580 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source X coil

Target voltage Y [A] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025581 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source Y coil

Target voltage Z [A] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025582 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source Z coil

EMF parameter set #2

Capacitance Switch X [0 : 31] #2

Type: u8 | UID: 1691148582 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for X
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Capacitance Switch Y [0 : 31] #2

Type: u8 | UID: 1691148592 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for Y
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Capacitance Switch Z [0 : 31] #2

Type: u8 | UID: 1691148602 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for Z
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Frequency X [Hz] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148612 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source X coil

Frequency Y [Hz] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148622 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source Y coil

Frequency Z [Hz] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148632 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source Z coil

PWM X #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148642 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source X coil

PWM Y #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148652 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source Y coil

PWM Z #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148662 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source Z coil

Target current X [A] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148672 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source X coil

Target current Y [A] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148682 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source Y coil

Target current Z [A] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148692 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source Z coil

Vboost [V] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148702 | Config Mode: Developer
Boost converter voltage

XonY Set #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148712 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonY Set point

XonY Reset #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148722 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonY Reset point

XonZ Set #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148732 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonZ Set point

XonZ Reset #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148742 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonZ Reset point

YonX Set #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148752 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonX Set point

YonX Reset #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148762 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonX Reset point

YonZ Set #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148772 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonZ Set point

YonZ Reset #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148782 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonZ Reset point

ZonX Set #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148792 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonX Set point

ZonX Reset #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148802 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonX Reset point

ZonY Set #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148812 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonY Set point

ZonY Reset #2

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148822 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonY Reset point

Coil Calibration X #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148832 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source X coil

Coil Calibration Y #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148842 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source Y coil

Coil Calibration Z #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148852 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source Z coil

Calibration Multiplier X #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696496992 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source X coil
Used for static metal compensation

Calibration Multiplier Y #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696497002 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source Y coil
Used for static metal compensation

Calibration Multiplier Z #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696497012 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source Z coil
Used for static metal compensation

Aproximated propagation delay [sec] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863326 | Config Mode: Developer
Time between PLL phase adjustments

Modulation phase setpoint X [deg] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863330 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Modulation phase setpoint Y [deg] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863334 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Modulation phase setpoint Z [deg] #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863338 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Phase modulation amplitude Passive X #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863342 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Passive Y #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863346 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Passive Z #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863350 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active X #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726497032 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active Y #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726497033 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active Z #2

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726497034 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Apply Parameters #2

Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1691148892 | Config Mode: Developer
Apply parameter change

EMF parameter set #3

Capacitance Switch X [0 : 31] #3

Type: u8 | UID: 1691148583 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for X
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Capacitance Switch Y [0 : 31] #3

Type: u8 | UID: 1691148593 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for Y
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Capacitance Switch Z [0 : 31] #3

Type: u8 | UID: 1691148603 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for Z
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Frequency X [Hz] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148613 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source X coil

Frequency Y [Hz] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148623 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source Y coil

Frequency Z [Hz] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148633 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source Z coil

PWM X #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148643 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source X coil

PWM Y #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148653 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source Y coil

PWM Z #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148663 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source Z coil

Target current X [A] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148673 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source X coil

Target current Y [A] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148683 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source Y coil

Target current Z [A] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148693 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source Z coil

Target voltage X [A] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025590 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source X coil

Target voltage Y [A] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025591 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source Y coil

Target voltage Z [A] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025592 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source Z coil

Vboost [V] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148703 | Config Mode: Developer
Boost converter voltage

XonY Set #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148713 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonY Set point

XonY Reset #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148723 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonY Reset point

XonZ Set #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148733 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonZ Set point

XonZ Reset #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148743 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonZ Reset point

YonX Set #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148753 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonX Set point

YonX Reset #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148763 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonX Reset point

YonZ Set #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148773 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonZ Set point

YonZ Reset #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148783 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonZ Reset point

ZonX Set #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148793 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonX Set point

ZonX Reset #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148803 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonX Reset point

ZonY Set #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148813 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonY Set point

ZonY Reset #3

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148823 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonY Reset point

Coil Calibration X #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148833 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source X coil

Coil Calibration Y #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148843 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source Y coil

Coil Calibration Z #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148853 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source Z coil

Calibration Multiplier X #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696496993 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source X coil
Used for static metal compensation

Calibration Multiplier Y #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696497003 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source Y coil
Used for static metal compensation

Calibration Multiplier Z #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696497013 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source Z coil
Used for static metal compensation

Aproximated propagation delay [sec] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863327 | Config Mode: Developer
Time between PLL phase adjustments

Modulation phase setpoint X [deg] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863331 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Modulation phase setpoint Y [deg] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863335 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Modulation phase setpoint Z [deg] #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863339 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Phase modulation amplitude Passive X #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863343 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Passive Y #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863347 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Passive Z #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863351 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active X #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726497042 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active Y #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726497043 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active Z #3

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726497044 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Apply Parameters #3

Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1691148893 | Config Mode: Developer
Apply parameter change

EMF parameter set #4

Capacitance Switch X [0 : 31] #4

Type: u8 | UID: 1691148584 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for X
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Capacitance Switch Y [0 : 31] #4

Type: u8 | UID: 1691148594 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for Y
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Capacitance Switch Z [0 : 31] #4

Type: u8 | UID: 1691148604 | Config Mode: Developer
Change what trim capacitor is used for Z
See excel sheet for what value can be used
Only works if capacitor switching bank is attached

Frequency X [Hz] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148614 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source X coil

Frequency Y [Hz] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148624 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source Y coil

Frequency Z [Hz] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148634 | Config Mode: Developer
Frequency of the source Z coil

PWM X #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148644 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source X coil

PWM Y #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148654 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source Y coil

PWM Z #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148664 | Config Mode: Developer
PWM of the source Z coil

Target current X [A] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148674 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source X coil

Target current Y [A] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148684 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source Y coil

Target current Z [A] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148694 | Config Mode: Developer
Target current for source Z coil

Target voltage X [A] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025600 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source X coil

Target voltage Y [A] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025601 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source Y coil

Target voltage Z [A] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1732025602 | Config Mode: Developer
Target voltage for source Z coil

Vboost [V] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148704 | Config Mode: Developer
Boost converter voltage

XonY Set #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148714 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonY Set point

XonY Reset #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148724 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonY Reset point

XonZ Set #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148734 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonZ Set point

XonZ Reset #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148744 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk XonZ Reset point

YonX Set #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148754 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonX Set point

YonX Reset #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148764 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonX Reset point

YonZ Set #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148774 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonZ Set point

YonZ Reset #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148784 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk YonZ Reset point

ZonX Set #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148794 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonX Set point

ZonX Reset #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148804 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonX Reset point

ZonY Set #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148814 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonY Set point

ZonY Reset #4

Type: u32LE | UID: 1691148824 | Config Mode: Developer
Crosstalk ZonY Reset point

Coil Calibration X #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148834 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source X coil

Coil Calibration Y #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148844 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source Y coil

Coil Calibration Z #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1691148854 | Config Mode: Developer
Calibration value for source Z coil

Calibration Multiplier X #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696496994 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source X coil
Used for static metal compensation

Calibration Multiplier Y #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696497004 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source Y coil
Used for static metal compensation

Calibration Multiplier Z #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1696497014 | Config Mode: Developer
Multiplier for calibration value for source Z coil
Used for static metal compensation

Aproximated propagation delay [sec] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863328 | Config Mode: Developer
Time between PLL phase adjustments

Modulation phase setpoint X [deg] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863332 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Modulation phase setpoint Y [deg] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863336 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Modulation phase setpoint Z [deg] #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863340 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL phase compensation value

Phase modulation amplitude Passive X #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863344 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Passive Y #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863348 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Passive Z #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1715863352 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL passive signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active X #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726497053 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active Y #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726497054 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Phase modulation amplitude Active Z #4

Type: f32LE | UID: 1726497055 | Config Mode: Developer
PLL active signal strength

Apply Parameters #4

Type: ProcedureCall | UID: 1691148894 | Config Mode: Developer
Apply parameter change